The events in Odessa at 17 July 2019

X OMKF / International program: He qun lu / Uncle and House / Way of God

17 July 2019, 12:30
category: movie
100 UAH
place: Comedy (street, 3)

He qun lu / Uncle and House       Luo Hanxing / China / 2018, 90 ’       If Xiao Ban turns around from door to door to China, once and again two friends repair his collector’s business. Нhhnі methods are unconventional, and the style is more than average by the canisters, the intellectuals and the gippers. Don Rui, a classmate of the 11-rd Xiao Bani brother Liu Dun, vvazhє, scho died. Don Ruy objitsyaє 100 yuan я Xiao Banevі, which is the only way to help you compete on the love front. 100 yuan to move from one hand to the last and to portray a portrait of love.

The poster of the event — X OMKF / International program: He qun lu / Uncle and House / Way of God in Comedy