The events in Odessa at 23 August 2019

Hell is the Other. A man in search of himself / Julia Tomashevskaya-Garachuk

23 August 2019, 19:00
category: lecture
100 UAH
place: The restaurant, co-working lecture "4City" (Kanatnaya str., 27/1)

Is a human being rational? If so, why is it so difficult for us to be heard by "others." The twentieth century introduced the theme of loneliness into European philosophical discourse. New “players” enter the arena of the battle of ideas, and so the theme appears - “abandonment”, “loneliness”, “absurdity of human existence”.              The heroes of literature and cinema in every way tested the Nietzschean thesis that “there is no God,” which means everything is allowed. Dostoevsky sends Rodion Raskolnikov to nine circles of hell with precisely this question. After all, when you are alone with the world, left to yourself, without supervision from above, no one can stop you, redraw the world according to your ideas. It can only be such a thing as an internal judge who will always be with you, even when you are absolutely alone.              Albert Camus, trying to understand what is wrong with a person in the era between the two world wars, offered his answer - "a human being is rational and longs for clarity, but the world is unreasonable, the meeting of a rational man with the world gives rise to absurdity." So, the person was not denied the right to be reasonable, but left without hope to receive answers to their questions.              As soon as people did not name themselves, in pursuit of final definitions. In the history of ideas, we have labels with the inscription - homo sapiens, tool making animal, zoo politicos, animal symbolicum, homo ludens. All these attempts to denominations were built on the assumption that society consists of people belonging to the same species.Aristotle defined a person as a zoo politicos "political animal", arguing that a person, unlike other living things, wants to not only live, but live well. Being a resident of the city-state, he was absolutely sure that only the state can provide a high quality of life and equal opportunities to achieve happiness.              All attempts to answer the question “who am I” rest against the need for a “mirror” or “another” as a mirror. Is the “other” the same as me? Is “I” possible without the “other” and what can I learn about myself without reflecting myself in the “other”?              The topic will be presented by a teacher of philosophy, art critic Julia Tomashevskaya-Garachuk              When: August 23, at 19.00.       Where: 4City, st. Cable, 27/1       Cost of participation: 100 UAH (payment by card or on the spot)       Registration (required):        For all questions: 0930789587, Katerina.

The poster of the event — Hell is the Other. A man in search of himself / Julia Tomashevskaya-Garachuk in The restaurant, co-working lecture "4City"