The events in Odessa at 10 October 2019

Zustrich student іz Arіlom Bergnerom - court of law from Israel

10 October 2019, 12:50
category: more
place: Assembly hall of the University. Mechnikov (French Boulevard, 24/26)

Students and graduate students will be requested to attend the trial by Arjel Bergner (Power of Israel) within the framework of the innovative project "Cross-Cultural Communities in Professional Spheres".       First hour, judging by Arigel Bergner, to present an overview of the legal system of the State of Israel, as well as the exclusion of particularities of justice regarding the application of Skoda legislation in Israel.       Зустріч відбудеться 10 answers for the address: French Boulevard, 24/26 new building of humanities, room 207.       Spad of food about 12:50.

The poster of the event — Zustrich student іz Arіlom Bergnerom - court of law from Israel in Assembly hall of the University. Mechnikov