The events in Odessa at 21 February 2020

Argue with the damaging: trends, prove, I’ll clean up the strategy in 2020

21 February 2020, 10:00
category: seminar/training
6500 UAH
place: Location (specified when registering)

KPMG Insight Academy will ask you to take a part in the training “Argue with the daddy: trends, prove, I’ll save you a 2020 strategy”. Training will focus on the presentation of effective ways to defraud the deductible authority when it is indicated that the conversion has been completed. We’ve done a thorough analysis, as if I’m joking about the funeral organisms, I’ll leave the practice of the Supreme Court, and I’ll be completely victorious for the best position. Let's go through an interactive test, a really real business case and hold a master class with a proof of evidence in disputes with an element of "unreal" operation and a way to fix the concept of the "beneficial beneficiary".  The program of comprehensive training includingє:  Podatkovі perevirki: effective algorithm diy vs. lack of activity.  Reserves, discounts and incentives argue more often P (S) BO and IFRS Yak trend 2019-2020 rock.  Argue about the transfer of value: prove and especially appeal to the judge.  Remaining the practice of the Supreme Court in disputes over the element of “unreal” counterparties, but operation.  Argue once more that the concept of the “beneficial owner” and the “basic test” are valid: operations with interest, dividends, royalties.  PDV-argue: CEA function (electronic administration system), problems of registration of patrimonial invoices.  Criminality as the donor donarahuvan: algorithm of protidії.  Analysis of atypical disputes with income tax: bonuses, credit notes, additional benefit, reprimand for lack of income tax.  Do you recognize:  How effectively is it possible to deduct the same amount of money when there is a designated conversion? Yakі poroshennya siogodnі pіd hour of the patriotic pereirok shukayut podatkov_ organi?  Yak hid vibrati prove for zahistu in the patrimonial dispute?  What is the best practice of the Supreme Court for extending arguments to the court?  Features to the prisoner at times of criminal criticism for art. 212 CC of Ukraine.  Vysnovka for a business with a court of law on litigation in a litigation between 2016-2019 Let's shit it:  You will take away practical secrets to clean up and prepare preparation documents in patrimonial disputes (practice).  According to the end training, we will accept the certificate and presentation with unique analytics on resonant and case-sensitive tribunal disputes.  Naiaktivnіshі participants reject the individual consultation of the vіd kerіvnik practices і virіshennya podatkovyh disputes.  To whom cinnamon:  Financial directors, accountants. You can change the size of the donation, I will look at the information about the destruction, as well as the analysis of the organic organization.  Heads of legal departments, lawyers. Vi diznaкteсяa, as it is more beautiful to encourage you to take a position in court.  Vlasnik business. You can control the process of discouraged ruling, diy, lack of activity of fiscal organs and analizuvati ymovrnist wigrash in patrimonial disputes. ‍ Spiker training - Larisa Antoshchuk. Kerivnik of practice v virіshennya podatkovyh disputes KPMG Law Ukraine.Lawyer with a 13-month supervising dispute and consultation of international and Ukrainian companies with meals. The portfolio of companies with the most competitive disputes includes companies, who represent media, pharmaceutical and cosmetic business, company-industrial companies, IT. Larisa Antoshchuk Bula was nominated in the category “The best lawyer for patriotic disputes”, as one of the five most practitioners in the world in Ukraine for the version of “Legal premium 2018”, organized by legal practice.  Vartіst training: 6500 UAH z urahuvannyam PDV We need a 10% reduction for the dandy’s appearance in the group. Kіlkіst mіsts obmeshcheno.  Information is detailed under number +380 50 489 2975, but by mail

The poster of the event — Argue with the damaging: trends, prove, I’ll clean up the strategy in 2020 in Location