The events in Odessa at 04 June 2020

Actual nutrition of the current diabetologist

04 June 2020, 10:00
category: the conference
place: Hotel "Bristol" (Pushkinskaya street, 15)

As a technical organizer, I’m asking you to take part in the most significant 2020 event for endocrinologists - the XVth International Scientific and Practical Conference, which takes place four times a week, 6 times a day.                   As a welcome, science program, you will include additional views of the community, which will be dedicated to the most relevant aspects of clinical endocrinology. Also, the master class is carried out, on which they will be discerned some actual practical nutrition of clinical diabetology, as well as important organization of large public organization, Ukrainian organization.            At the conference, the fate of the conference is not the same as that of Ukraine, but rather a lot of the news in Europe.                   The main things to do are to take a look at the conference hour:       - successes and non-nutritional nutrition of current diabetology;       - state and chronic acceleration of cerebral diabetes;       - klіnіchny dosvіd that sochasnі otlivosti diagnostics and likuvannya tsukrovogo diabetes that yoy acceleration;       - suputnii seizure in ailments on chukrovia diabetes;       - Meister-classes of religious subjects of practical clinical diabetology.                   Participating in a conference is not only important for endocrinologists, but for those who are interested in specialties, for example, those who are familiar with the practice of foreign medicine, cardiologists, neurologists and other specialties.Registration, with the description of all possible packages of the participant, is available on the official website of the Conference                   A month of accomplishment: Hotel "Bristol Hotel Odessa", metro Odessa, 15 Pushkinska Vulitsa.

The poster of the event — Actual nutrition of the current diabetologist in Hotel "Bristol"