The events in Odessa at 12 August 2020

Sell ​​it on Stories, IGTV and direct efiri

12 August 2020, 18:00
category: online
place: Educational space "Rehab" (lane Vice Admiral Zhukov, 17/19)

Navigate the nicest digital marketers don't want to use Instagram to sell products and services. Why don't we get a lot of respect on Stories, IGTV and direct efiri, how to correct more results? About all the nuances of robots with a variety of tools, the expert on the online lectures from TseHAB!  Oleksandra Kungurtseva is a specialist in small and medium business on Instagram. Among the clientele: women and children comrades, tourism, interior design, photography, style, schools of mobile photography and dancing. Held 16 main streams on Instagram (more than 1000 students). Let's talk about it:  Yak svoryuvati Stories, how to advertise and sell  Scho and naskilki are often published in Stories  Yak correctly vikoristovuvati IGTV for sales  Now you need direct efiri to sell in them We gladly connect to online marketers, SMM specialists, content makers, and everyone who wants to share content that sells comrade services on Instagram. The lecture will be passed in the online format. For pivgodini to the cob, you can send it to your mail for a live broadcast. ⏰ 12 serpnya (Wednesday) from 18:00 to 20:00  Bezkoshtovno write to the restoration: Do not miss the corny broadcasts and learn new ones, subscribe to the TseHAB Telegram channel:

The poster of the event — Sell ​​it on Stories, IGTV and direct efiri in Educational space "Rehab"