The events in Odessa at 13 January 2021

Intuitive theater of emotions

13 January 2021, 18:30
category: online
place: Location (specified when registering)

 Don't be selfish, you can't think only of yourself!   January 13, Wednesday  18.30 - the time of our Intuitive theater of emotions 樂 An egoist is a very bad person who only cares about himself. This is what society says. It also says that you need to take care of those who are around. At the same time, many trainings teach you to love and accept yourself, put yourself first - and there is a huge demand for this. And even the Bible says - love your neighbor as yourself. So, it is both possible and important to love yourself? How to deal with this? How not to lose yourself and not lose your relationship with others? Trained to be good, a person does not see his own worth as a person, does not accept or love himself, and lives with a constant feeling of inner emptiness. Trying to fill it, as it should be, people strive for recognition, purchases of expensive things and services, conveniences, constant attention to themselves. At the same time, the feeling of fullness does not last long. The inner void is like a bottomless well - it is impossible to fill it. We really want to have the qualities and characteristics that we consider successful, beneficial, which are accepted by people who are significant to us. Feel good, loved, accepted.If, for example, strict parents punished a little daughter for showing coquetry, then she, understanding how to be loved by a girl, becoming an adult, is afraid and ashamed of her own manifestations of sexuality, not understanding the reasons for these fears and shame. She thinks that being feminine and sexy is really a shame. But inside there is a desire to show your femininity, beauty and sexuality. Therefore, she will devalue herself as a woman, devalue the relationship, proclaiming something like: "All men are bastards, they only need one thing", despising sexy women and their freedom to express themselves. And she will meet men who will not appreciate her as a woman. Or another example. If my mother made me angry, and I had to restrain myself, since you cannot be angry with my mother, mother is sacred. And if I am angry with her, then I am a terrible daughter / son, a terrible person. Accordingly, the anger was suppressed, physical tension and irritation remained inside. Then some external reason was found for this irritation: the favorite football team played poorly - you can yell at the TV, the child broke a plate - flies to him. That is, you throw annoyance on someone, the cause of which, in fact, was the behavior of your mother.There is also passive aggression. It allows you not to express your feelings directly, but to make the other person feel bad being around, get angry and, possibly, relieve themselves of their presence or of things that you do not want to do. There are various indirect manifestations of anger: various sabotage - forgetting, failure to fulfill the promise on time, regular delays; double messages, when a person voices conflicting requests or phrases, or says one thing with words and another with facial expressions; spreading rumors behind your back, rolling your eyes. What to do to regain yourself, live your own life, understanding and choosing your feelings and desires? We will definitely find out!  Do you have similar phrases and actions in your everyday life, among your loved ones? How does this affect the quality of life? ️ Perhaps you have your own story about this, and you can see from the outside what actually happens to a person at this moment and how it affects the quality of life  論 On the stage of live interactive theater, we will explore the roots of this relationship “program” to understand how it affects the individual, family, society, men and women. Replace destructive elements with constructive ones that give the right and opportunity to live with a sense of the value and universality of oneself. By accepting others as valuable and versatile. ✨ We play so that tomorrow is better than today!)  ⛲We develop emotional intelligence, empathy, sensitivity, vision of cause-and-effect relationships, we get a new bodily experience of positive decisions to complete situations  See you online!For details about the event and recording for it - write to HP. # intuitive theatrical emotions # innagavrilyuk # love # money # wealth # relationships # desires # joy # choice # want or need # responsibility # restrictions # attitudes # self-director # caring # taking care of yourself # men and women # self-worth # human value # freedom # responsibility # family # relationships

The poster of the event — Intuitive theater of emotions in Location