The events in Odessa at 13 March 2021

Aktsiya Zelene Misto "Krok Other" on Misi the Great Fountain

13 March 2021, 10:00
category: charity
place: Location (look in the description)

Everyone's welcome  We have been tidied up a lot of times, a red one is not good enough! We put up the barrels, ale the stench, keep the kidachi smittya order! We do not spoil! Friends, I ask you to take a walk on the 13th birch birch of the sea, drink a seagull, drink some people who haven’t been backed up for a long time, clean up the smittya, and once again show everyone who’s not wanting to live in the middle of dances, like servet and plastic cups. 13 birch on Saturday about 10.00 Mies Great fountain, Saturday for quiet, hto rosumіє! You can write, Poradi, physical, water, earth and financially write in private. Until the show on Misi  #YazeGreenCity #YazaGreenCity #EkoSvitOdesa # EcoMirOdessa

The poster of the event — Aktsiya Zelene Misto "Krok Other" on Misi the Great Fountain in Location