The events in Odessa at 17 April 2021

Debate ships "Altum mare"

17 April 2021, 10:00
category: more
place: Location (specified when registering)

"Altum mare" is a tour of court debates from state law in the port sphere and in the sphere of international trade. Shanovny students of the right! Legrant Law Company will ask for the "Altum mare" court debate tour. The team-participants may develop case studies, models based on decile real disputes from the Legrant practice. I bring my innocence to important journals: judges of state courts, see lawyers and naukovtsy. Why Altum mare? - Galuzeva straightening the case to allow the teams to get involved in the problems of international trade and port galusa; - The final of the debate is first held in accordance with the rules of appeal. To participate at Tourniri: - Please register the team for permission: - Edit the plot and supervise your memorandum by April 10, 2021, inclusively, by email: - For the results of the selection, please accept the request for the personal tour. Re-establishment of teams: from 19 to 28 birch 2021 rock. Pivfinal Tournament will be announced on April 17, 2021 in the form of court debates at the judge of the first institute. The final will be published on April 24, 2021, at the form of an appeal to the court of the first institute. Opportunity to get a penny wine town, exclusive memorial prizes and the opportunity to pass an internship with Legrant Law Company. Based on the results of the length of service, we will give students the opportunity to be promoted to the practice.

The poster of the event — Debate ships "Altum mare" in Location