The events in Odessa at 22 May 2021

"Mothers and Daughters. Family Values" with Anna Ivaschenko

22 May 2021, 18:00
category: lecture
place: The art space "Siniy Crab" (Primorskaya street 42)

Don't miss - the author of the game "Mothers and Daughters. Family Values." Will tell you the rule of three minutes of happiness-co-part. Incredible and charismatic, Anna Ivaschenko is an art therapist, innovative technologies for teaching Elena Tararina, Coach-ICU, decorator, coordinator of family celebrations and an eternal student, and now a student of the Faculty of General Psychology, 6 higher education. Tickets are less and less !!!!

The poster of the event — "Mothers and Daughters. Family Values" with Anna Ivaschenko in The art space "Siniy Crab"