The events in Odessa at 21 June 2021

108 sun salutations

21 June 2021, 04:50
category: group training
free donation
place: Beach complex "Gobleg" (Azarov's lane., 1)

June 21 - Summer Solstice, a great holiday in the Wheel of the Year, a triumph of Light and Life. On the shortest night of the year, dreams and reality mix together. This period is filled with magic and magic. The spirits of all four elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water unite to have fun, to rejoice together with people. This is one of the most powerful days of the year, when it is possible to “dream” your happiness, “program” yourself for positive and joyfulness. This is the middle of natural summer and the longest day of the year when the sun reaches its highest position. For thousands of years, all peoples have celebrated this magical day. On this longest day, International Yoga Day is also celebrated. We will greet this day with 108 salutations to the Sun. The set of exercises "Surya namaskar" (salutation to the sun) is one of the most popular and basic yoga techniques. At the same time, this set of exercises is quite simple and at the same time extremely effective. Most of the yoga techniques available in our time are too difficult for the average person to learn and perform, while they give a beneficial effect only for certain parts of the body and consciousness. The practice of "Surya Namaskar" in this regard is the most optimal and effective set of exercises. By repeating these circles full of power, a person acquires strength, knowledge, health, luck. Why do we set ourselves the task of making 108 circles of Surya-namaskara?● To consolidate affirmations, goals, intentions (tapas (energy) accumulated during the practice can be used to realize your personal goal, as well as for the benefit of any person, all living beings). If you have some important goal, and you want to completely "saturate" it, to be imbued with, to truly make it your essence - 108 circles of Surya-namaskara will help you one hundred percent ● To humble the tendency towards comfort and inertia (tamas), to combat laziness, apathy, depression. This breakthrough practice expands the boundaries of the comfort zone, shows anyone how great the body really is (including its natural resources of endurance, not known to the average city dweller), and how willpower can actually prevail over the weakness of the body. In this case, it is advisable to soberly assess your physical capabilities, and choose the appropriate number of circles. ● To curb the mind. Meditation in motion. Presence in the here and now. At the beginning of the practice, you need to form a clear intention not to stop, to do, albeit with pauses or very slowly, to the end, until the leader gives a signal to stop. The mind will persuade you to stop the practice, motivating in different ways - ignore any intrigues. In the end, there will be an incomparable feeling of control, superiority over the mind - perhaps for the first time in my life. ● For burning karmic samskaras. Practice will undoubtedly have an impact on changing life events for the better!Practice is carried out at a measured pace, the sequence will be pronounced throughout all the circles. If you feel very tired, you can stop, rest and start over with the next lap. Before practice, we will tell you in detail the adjustment of asanas, recommendations. At the end of the practice, a long, very relaxing shavasana awaits you. On the eve of practice, it is advisable not to eat. To complete all 108 laps, physical fitness of those who go in for yoga or sports is desirable. Level: Continuing and Experienced. Contraindications: injuries to the wrists, knees, serious problems with the spine, heart, critical days, hypertension. Be sure to take with you - a woken up body, a rug, comfortable clothes, a bottle of water. Event hosted by: Veronika Todorashko Entrance to the event for donation

The poster of the event — 108 sun salutations in Beach complex "Gobleg"