The events in Odessa at 24 June 2021

Business in the minds of COVID-19

24 June 2021, 10:00
category: online
place: Location (specified when registering)

24 worm 2021 from 10:00 to 12:00 within the framework of the COVID-19 Business Clines project, an online conference "Business in the minds of COVID-19" will be held. Meta call is to prepare SMEs in the process of accepting decisions and responses to COVID -19 wikis. Main zavdannyami konferentsії Je Nadachi ostannoyu іnformatsіyu about nayavnі іnstrumenti that prog pіdtrimki, obmіnyatisya noviny about potochnі obmezhennya one otrimati іnformatsіyu of Perche hands about BIZNES minds in pandemії COVID-19: Problems require efektivnіst zahodіv pіdtrimki that mozhlivostі pіdvischennya їh efektivnostі in vіdpovіd on wikliki today. Zahid organіzovano Center Іnformatsіynoї Pіdtrimki Bіznesu m Nikolaev at partnerstvі s Set "Agentsіya regіonalnogo rozvitku Odeskoї oblastі" she Upravlіnnyam of mіzhnarodnih vіdnosin Odeskoї oblasnoї State admіnіstratsієyu within COVID-19 BIZNES-klіnіki, -. Sotsіalno-vazhlivogo proєktu pіdtrimki Malih that serednіh of companies (SMEs ) in vіdpovіd on skladnі ekonomіchnі vikliki scho steel naslіdkami pandemії scho realіzuєtsya in furrows proєktu «EU4Business: konkurentospromozhnіst that іnternatsіonalіzatsіya SMEs" for fіnansovoї pіdtrimki Єvropeyskogo Union that Uryadov i Nіmechchini realіzuєtsya Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. In the program of the call, representatives of the local self-government bodies, organizers, requested guests - representatives of provincial national projects for SME development in Ukraine were transferred. Within the framework of the conference, a presentation of the available tools and possibilities is planned. Restratsіya for contributions: restoration date: 16:00 23 worm 2021 Broadcast on YouTube channels Dodatkova Information on the phone: +38 (067) 821 13 43 - Anna Tsimbal, commune manager of the CIPB m. Mykolaiv.

The poster of the event — Business in the minds of COVID-19 in Location