The events in Odessa at 05 August 2021

Zelena hvilya / Discussion "New vimir of freedom of speech"

05 August 2021, 14:00
category: festival
place: Hotel "Londonskaya" (Primorsky b-R, 11)

#zapidtrimkiUKF Trim your dummy when you are. Yak bi chogo didn’t get out! ***** How do you see yourself with freedom of speech in our hour? If due to the fear of possible punishment, everything is filtered by the people themselves. If from life step by step you can use the power of your estimation. If ... And maybe a good one? Bo zabagato sl_v around. And free everything less.  Podiskutuєmo about everything. Tezi for negotiating the rest of the way (it is possible to add): ✔ Infusing the digital era on freedom of speech. ✔ How can freedom of speech be absolute? ✔ Between freedom of speech. ✔ Infused new ethics on freedom of speech. Why is it not a law for us in Ukraine? ✔ Self-censorship. ✔ Freedom of speech in literature. Otzhe, I ask for the discussion "New World of Freedom of Speech" for the participation of Ukrainian publishers, writers, journals. Discussion will take place offline in the hall with connections from distant speakers for additional teleconferences. ✔ 5 serpnya, 14.00-16.00, hotel "Londonska", hall "Aivazovsky". Vhіd vіlniy. ➤ The project was prepared for the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. The position of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation may not be attributed to the authors' thought.

The poster of the event — Zelena hvilya / Discussion "New vimir of freedom of speech" in Hotel "Londonskaya"