The events in Odessa at 02 December 2021

Evolution of an engineer from the Internet to an architect. For two history of success from the Odessa community / Offline / online

02 December 2021, 19:00
category: master class
place: Location (look in the description)

Easy to use in hybrid format - offline / online. The architect doesn’t have a tsilah, and є only tilki shlyakh? Would you like to know how to pay pennies to engineers and walk through the Internet to Senyor in 18 months? And before the fact, why don't you write code that the architect is not a position, but just a role? Yak intelligence who is it for the sake of senior rozrobnik? Oleksandr Demchuk and Mykolaj Barda are ready to respond to all power supplies, and she will come to you with all the stories of their caregivers on Thursday, 2 breast at 19.00. Oleksandr Demchuk is a solution architect at Provectus, starting 12 years in IT, and 10 years at the time. The main .NET stack, but also JS and Python code. Ostannіy rіk vіn pratsyu as an architect and will be dodatki on Azure, AWS, and so on a high level of options for systems. Є a reference fan of Microsoft Orleans. Mykolay Barda, a leader in IT more than chotiroh rocky, remained a leader in an Izrailskiy product company, was 70 leveled in JavaScript, worked with Angular and TypeScript, downloaded directly from Node.js and AWS. Security measures related to COVID-19: Masks are required COVID 19 vaccination certificate required The event will be held indoors, st. Sadovaya, 3

The poster of the event — Evolution of an engineer from the Internet to an architect. For two history of success from the Odessa community / Offline / online in Location