The events in Odessa at 04 March 2018

Emergency First Aid

04 March 2018, 10:00
category: seminar/training
700 UAH
place: The Centre Of Special Training (St. Composer Nishchinsky, 28)

Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.      Cost: 700 UAH      Address: st. Bolshaya Arnautskaya, 38      Contacts: +38 095-022-91-19 +38 048 795-18-87      You found a person lying on the street unconscious - what to do? How to conduct resuscitation in the home? What can I say to the dispatcher so that the ambulance arrives faster? How to recognize a heart attack and stroke? Do I need to pour water from the drowned man?      We not only answer all these questions, but also learn to properly provide assistance before the ambulance arrives.      All participants who have attended the training will receive a certificate of attendance at the first medical aid and gifts from TM "Paramedic"!      Who is this training for? * for people who have elderly relatives * for those whose work is associated with communication with customers * for those who work in a large team * for those who will never leave a person in trouble       All participants who have attended the training will receive a certificate of attendance at the first medical aid.       The training is conducted by Dmitry Samofalov, a pediatric surgeon at the Department of Emergency Surgery and Traumatology, Special Clinical Hospital Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric Surgery ONMedU, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Certified Instructor of the Center for Medicine of Disasters of Ukraine.

The poster of the event — Emergency First Aid in The Centre Of Special Training
Available in other languages:Russian (ru)