The events in Odessa at 27 July 2018

Julia Verba: "Moldavian Spawn" (reprint)

27 July 2018, 17:00
category: presentation
place: The world club of inhabitants of Odessa (Marazlievskaya str., 7)

You did not have time for the first presentation of "... Reprints with a campaign" ?!      Especially for you and for those who want to again plunge into the atmosphere created by this stunning author and amazingly beautiful girl Julia Verba, we are preparing Presentation No. 2.      So,      “Moldavian offspring. Reprint with a Campaign. ”      Loud and wide.      We read old and new, drink “homemade”, guessing on bedding;)      We are waiting for you on July 27 (Friday) at 17.00      in the World Odessa Club      (Marazlievskaya, 7),      tel .: 7254567      Admission is only by prior registration here or by phone.      Limited number of seats.      Books are available, autograph is possible!

The poster of the event — Julia Verba: "Moldavian Spawn" (reprint) in The world club of inhabitants of Odessa
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