The events in Odessa at 14 September 2018

Pavel Golubev "The fate of the diaries of Konstantin Somov"

14 September 2018, 18:00
category: lecture
70 UAH
place: Art Museum (Sophia, 5A)

In 2017, Dmitry Sechin Publishing House published the first volume of the full text of the diaries of Konstantin Somov, one of the most prominent Russian artists of the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries, the most important member of the World of Art association. The first volume (with notes from 1917-1923), followed by the second (1923-1925), the rest are already preparing for publication. Rumors about the upcoming publication of the full (for the first time without cuts and distortions) text of Konstantin Andreyevich’s diaries went a long time, and the publication of books aroused great interest of both knowledgeable amateurs and professionals.               The artist kept a detailed diary for many years, and the history of these notebooks resembles an adventure novel. They were kept in the family of collector Mikhail Braikevich, miraculously survived during the Second World War, in 1969 they came from England to the USSR and were in the archive of the Russian Museum only after Somov’s nephew dying out dangerous lines, from his point of view. It took art historian Pavel Golubev about ten years to prepare the diaries for publication. He deciphered the cursive of Somov, restored a significant part of the fades made by the artist’s nephew, and carefully commented on the notes.              Art publisher Pavel Golubev will tell about the history of the publication of diaries, their fate and the significance for the history of art.               Seats are limited. Pre-registration required:       ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️               When: September 14, Friday        Beginning at 18:00        Cost: 70 ₴ (entrance ticket to the museum) Registration:       ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️              ℹ️ Pavel Golubev - historian of Russian art of the late XIX – early XX centuries, publisher of the diaries of Konstantin Andreevich Somov.       ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️              We recommend that you pay attention to another lecture by Pavel Golubev. The life and work of Konstantin Somov September 15 at 14:00. Details:

The poster of the event — Pavel Golubev "The fate of the diaries of Konstantin Somov" in Art Museum
Available in other languages:Russian (ru)