The events in Odessa at 13 August 2019

The 20th meeting of the Odessa QA Lab

13 August 2019, 18:30
category: more
place: Computer Academy "Step" (Sadovaya str., 3)

STEP computer Academy invites you to the 20th meeting of the Odessa QA Lab Theme 1: Pairwise testing tool PICT. Speakers: Broskow Alex (CloudConsulting AS) In terms of deadlines it is difficult to determine the correct approach to testing. The report will review the techniques combining the methods of test design with Pairwise + PICT to generate covering the functionality of the scenarios with a high probability to detect defects. Theme 2: Intro to embedded system testing: types, differences, and challenges as seen through the lens of the automotive industry Speaker: Alexander Kozhukhar (Luxoft) - Embedded systems and embedded software testing embedded software testing including types - Embedded testing versus software testing and subsequent challenges - Embedded solutions as implemented in Automotive, with examples exploring component layers, required skills, and useful tools and approaches Waiting for you 13 August at 18:30 in the Computer Academy STEP. Admission is free for pre-registration:

The poster of the event — The 20th meeting of the Odessa QA Lab in Computer Academy "Step"