The events in Odessa at 13 August 2019

Anna Misyun / The Witch Story: From Enchanted Forest to Bald Mountain

13 August 2019, 19:00
category: lecture
100 UAH
place: The restaurant, co-working lecture "4City" (Kanatnaya str., 27/1)

The 13th, a black cat (or cat), preferably on a hunchbacked back, a large mole on the nose and ... scary stories in a children's camp. Stories with witches and about witches.       We grew up, and fears, and sometimes even enthusiasm, remained. Lovely beauties from advertising sites promise us, like witches in the 7th knee, to help remove damage and the evil eye, a wreath of celibacy and bad karma, to clean financial channels and ... deceive us in the most godless way. Or we ourselves are deceived.              But still, why does a person of a high-tech era still believe in the powers of witches, their special charms and abilities? How did it happen that despite the bonfires of the Inquisition and the recommendations of the “Hammer of the Witches”, they (the witches) are still with us?              In the lecture we will follow the path of practice and the image of the European witch from the noble “know-it-all” (from the Vedati), the “expert” and the adviser of the Neolithic era to the odious wrecker of cattle, women and children (and men!), Who, riding a broom, flies to Lysaya mount for the coven.              Our guides on this virtual journey will be judicial documents of Europe (including Ukrainian!), Paintings and graphics, reflecting the image of the witch and the Sabbath, W. Shakespeare and F. Goya, M. Bulgakov and medieval demonologies.              About 13 friends of Leonard (demon patron sabbath) and Places of witch power in Europe, complete disbelief of Ukrainian and Italian judges of the XVII - XVIII centuries. in the very fact of witchcraft existence, Poltava witches of Gogol and much more in a lecture by Anna Misyun, associate professor of the Department of Cultural Studies, Art History and Philosophy of Culture of ONPU.When: August 13, at 19.00.       Where: 4City, st. Cable, 27/1       Cost of participation: 100 UAH (payment by card or on the spot)       Registration (required):        For all questions: 0930789587, Katerina.

The poster of the event — Anna Misyun / The Witch Story: From Enchanted Forest to Bald Mountain in The restaurant, co-working lecture "4City"