The events in Odessa at 02 September 2019

MK "Relationship. The joys and the difficulties in them"

02 September 2019, 18:00
category: master class
place: Location (look in the description)

We all live in the system of human relations. We need other people, contacts and relationships with them. Equally important is how we treat ourselves. Our relationship to ourselves and to everything that surrounds us is largely formed in childhood, passed on from parents and friends. Now, in adult life it can bring us pleasure and irritation and anxiety. The purpose of the master class is to change the attitude of the person, the participant in a comfortable direction for it. To explore and to see something new, useful for yourself: what will provide more fun and joy. Because you can change yourself, another person or the world around - you can only change the attitude. All interested persons are invited to PRTs free classes. The group is formed with a small number of participants - up to 12 people, age 18 years or older.  Participation is free, but registration is required: Time and venue: September 2, 2019р, 18:00-21:00 at: Prov. Lermontovskiy, 13 / entrance from the Leontovich (former Belinski) Master class by Marina Ravcheev is a chartered counselling psychologist, certified psychotherapist (2nd degree) and a certified supervisor (stage 3) in the Gestalt approach. There are some important rules for participation in the master class : ✔ This is not to be late. ✔ Now to keep confidentiality. ✔ This is not to judge and not to label. ✔ Great game to attend a master class on the same topic two times. The event was organized in the framework of the project #Зміцнення_соціальної_згуртованості Charitable Foundation Caritas Odessa UGCC

The poster of the event — MK "Relationship. The joys and the difficulties in them" in Location