The events in Odessa at 01 September 2019

Children congratulate Odessa

01 September 2019, 19:40
category: flashmob
place: Location (look in the description)

Friends, Odessa will soon have a birthday!       So let's talk about it ...       September 1 at 19:40 at the Museum of the Navy on Lanzheronovskaya, 6 (fountain "Children and the Frog") starts       Flashmob "Children congratulate" -       funny musical action with a promenade to Duke, where the most interesting will happen. We invite everyone to join.       There is only one requirement: a bright costume of the Odessa hero of any era and a cheerful mood.       And just come and rejoice with us, because Mom has a name day!       Organizers: Pamyat Cultural Heritage Preservation Fund, Museum of the Secrets of Underground Odessa, Sonkina Malina Restaurant, Odessa People's Theater of Color

The poster of the event — Children congratulate Odessa in Location