The events in Odessa at 05 October 2019

NLP Practitioner Course, 2 Stream, 2 Module

05 October 2019, 10:00
category: the courses
place: Location (specified when registering)

After completing the course, we guarantee results in the areas of:              BUSINESS OR CAREER       * Increasing credibility and strengthening leadership skills. Over 80% of our graduates have strong career growth       * You can negotiate much more successfully, increase sales and influence your competitors.              PERSONAL EFFICIENCY       * You can set real goals and already in the course of training begin to fulfill them       * Quickly collect, structure and accurately convey information       * Each student will learn how to deal with manipulators at work and at home. To neutralize and defeat toxic people              RELATIONS       * Conflicts in work and personal life will come to naught.       * Teach you to negotiate with any person and gently but confidently defend your opinion       * Learn to avoid and avoid the traps that more experienced manipulators set up.              PERSONAL RESOURCES       * Manage your emotional states       * Transform negative experiences into rewarding experiences.       * Apply genius creativity strategies in your daily life.       * Know how to deal with burnout              NLP PRACTICE COURSE is:              1.7 modules - 14 days - 126 hours of full-time study       (Saturday-Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00)              2. 80% practice and 20% theory              3. On-line support 24/7 in the closed group of FB throughout the training4. The acquisition of practical skills based on personal tasks from different areas - manipulation, communication, management, leadership skills, motivation, achieving goals, etc.              5. The atmosphere of cooperation and support, which will charge you with double energy and motivation to make your life better and more successful, and effective and efficient behavior.              If you:       ✅ Company owner, TOP manager       ✅ Politician, PR, IT specialist       ✅ Freelance entrepreneur       ✅ Psychologist, coach       ✅ Business trainer, teacher       ✅ Build a network structure              MODULE RESULTS       • Learn to recognize how a person thinks. suggest his actions based on the words he speaks;       • Learn to accurately and accurately convey your thoughts;       • Learn the principles of human thinking, through which he creates his reality and life;       • You will be able in 15-20 minutes of conversation with the interlocutor to know exactly and clearly what he needs to change so that he can get what he wants in life;       • You can personally develop a strategy of your own actions and achieve your goals;       • Learn the basic principles of collecting, storing and using the necessary information to achieve your goals       • Learn to create and evoke the necessary own states for a comfortable stay in difficult situations;       • Learn and learn how to deal with pain (headache, toothache, joints, injuries and injuries, etc.)              MODULE PROGRAM       • The defining sides of verbal communication;• The deep and surface structures of human speech;       • Speech clarity. Systematic use of negatives;       • Three universal principles of modeling: generalization, exclusion, distortion;       • Strategies for Human Thinking - Chunking       • Metamodel: removal, determination of the limitations of the interlocutor's model, semantic violations;       • Principles of working with information: litter, sorting, storage and use;       • Goal setting. Well-structured result, TOTE Models, SMART, Resource Conversion, K. Wilber Quadrants;       • Submodalities. Three-stage dissociation. Exercises "Resource is not a resource", "Circles of power", Model "Scaling". Work with somatic pain.              Moderator Nikolay Vovchenko       business trainer,       coach       business consultant,       M.A. NLP       Master Trainer of NLP,       Master of Psychology.       Co-host of the trainings on NLP Frank Pucelik.Nikolay Vovchenko is a student of F. Pucelik, chosen by Frank himself as a co-trainer for the joint conduct of trainings of NLP at all levels (NLP Practitioner, NLP-Master, Training of Trainers of NLP). At the training you will get a unique opportunity to learn “NLP with the soul”, exactly the NLP created by the “founding fathers”, META people, F. Pucelik, D. Grinder, and R. Bandler, as well as many secrets of successful communication that are not included in the basic course "NLP Practitioner". You will be trained under a program that is adapted to the Ukrainian mentality, the program meets international standards. One of the founders of NLP, Frank Pucelik personally recommends Nikolai Vovchenko, as a coach from whom you need to learn NLP.              More details at              Phone for registration:       063-415-17-53 Anna Irmasheva

The poster of the event — NLP Practitioner Course, 2 Stream, 2 Module in Location