The events in Odessa at 27 September 2019

International Literature Festival Odessa / Andriy Kurkov »Siri Bjoli«

27 September 2019, 09:30
category: literary evening
place: Assembly hall of the University. Mechnikov (French Boulevard, 24/26)

Bdjolyar Sergiy namagatsya ignoruvati vіyskovі dії in the Descent of Ukraine. Rest in Ukrainian separatists and separate separatly, one in one, winding up your mind and letting go of your bjols.       One spring vin virus on the road, if you want to bring your own bj_l at that place, de voni can help me to calmly collect the nectar.

The poster of the event — International Literature Festival Odessa / Andriy Kurkov »Siri Bjoli« in Assembly hall of the University. Mechnikov