The events in Odessa at 30 September 2019

TAO: two sides of Chinese pen

30 September 2019, 10:30
category: exhibition
40 UAH
place: Museum of Western and Oriental art (Pushkinskaya str., 9)

An exhibition of paintings "Two sides of the Chinese pen" from the collection of the Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern art presents the viewer with the art of twentieth century China, thereby greatly expanding the scope of the permanent exhibition of Chinese art in the Oriental Department. The exhibition begins with a series of new year picture - Chinese lobkovich images printed xylography way (woodcut - print on paper with symbols carved on a wooden Board). Nianhua means, literally, "the Christmas picture". Lubkov pictures have always played an important role in the celebration of the New year. These charms throughout the year had to protect the house and its inhabitants from evil spirits, diseases and other troubles, on the eve of the feast they broke from the walls, burned and hung new. In the second half of the twentieth century, nianhua was the vanguard of the artistic process in China. Unlike painting Guohua folk painting has demonstrated its extraordinary flexibility, she vividly and adequately embraced the revolutionary transformations and to develop along the path of politicized art in strict accordance with the leading creative method of "combination of revolutionary realism and revolutionary romanticism" put forward by Mao Zedong. In the 1950-90's. in the art of nianhua didactic functions are implemented in the framework of the urgent political tasks of economic construction, reform of agriculture, "battle for steel", social change, the fight against illiteracy. The special role of art nianhua were given to worship leaders and heroes of labor. Thus, Christmas picture was of a new type, which is fully and clearly reflect reality, doing the job of propaganda and ideological education of the population. The duality of the exhibition project is implemented represented in the exhibition of monumental works of Chinese painting depicting the beauty of nature and inspire reflections on eternity and the primacy of spirit over matter. The exhibition presents the landscape master Give Shiho ( 1949 ad), the classic, the successor of the Chinese traditional art "Guo Hua" Jian Shilun (1927 PhD) and painter and a pioneer of Qi Baishi (1860 - 1957). The exhibition is devoted to significant date - the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic. The establishment of the PRC was proclaimed on 1 October 1949, at a rally held in Tiananmen square in Beijing. For 70 years the Chinese people made a mad leap into the future, becoming one of the economic and technological leaders of the world.  Work will be on display in the Black hall on the second floor. Exhibition opening: September 27 ⏳17:00 Have this on the opening day of free admission.  Next: 40 UAH ☎️ (048) 724 - 67 - 47

The poster of the event — TAO: two sides of Chinese pen in Museum of Western and Oriental art