The events in Odessa at 05 October 2019

I want to be a dental stomatologist! Basic course of hіrurgії

05 October 2019, 09:00
category: master class
place: Hotel "Gagarinn" (Gagarin plateau, 5B)

I’m asking you for a practical course with a master class 05 / 10 in chirurg in Odessa!       НдІndіvіdualnaya robot skin participant in order to thoroughly underpin the basics of dental surgery and expand your knowledge       Hirurgam dentists who plan to start dental implantation.       鈴Lecturer Popushoy N.G.       ❗️Kіlkіst mіsts obmezhena! Telephone and register!       Iberviber / Tel +380979404039              Popushoy N.G. - lіkar dentist hirurg. Private practice of MC “SK Dental Art”.       Member of Ukrainian Academy of Periodontology asocial implantologists.       Prev prof. Manfred Lang, m. Nuremberg. Specialized practical courses of dental implantation, periodontology, dental and plastic surgery. Post-participant of international congresses and conferences.                     Topic: The basics of hirurgi in dentistry. Meister class.       Lecturer: Popushoy N.G.              m Odessa, hotel Gagarin, vul. Gagarinske plateau 5 B.       10/05/19 about 8.30 - reg_stratsiya, cob about 09.00       1 day       Rosіyska mov               Seminar Plan:       1. Peculiarities of awakening of the facial-facial dilyanka.       3. Hirurgic tools (criteria for vibrator, necessary minimum, robot technology - scalpel, scissors, goalkeeper, raspatori, retractor)       4. Bazarov rosі i vidi shv_v. Shovny material (classification, specificity in the robot)       5. The main manipulation on an outpatient surgical appointment:* Base priyomi vidalennya timishovih i postіynih teeth;       * Vedennya pislya vidlennya tooth;       * Periostitis.       7. Features of the wound process of the facial-facial dilyanka       8. Pislyoperatshenny patsenta at іzіchnykh іrurgіchnyh hands: repeated visits, medication suprovіd.       9. Assistant on hirurgichnom priyomі - the main zavdannya, vimogi, especially in the robot.               Practical part:       Різні technics laid down seams, you can choose the right time for the patient's hand at the outpatient appointment of the dentist’s doctor.       Demonstration by the lecturer and self-robot of the skin participant in the master class on models (tools): tools, scalpel, scissors, goalkeeper, raspatori, retractor.

The poster of the event — I want to be a dental stomatologist! Basic course of hіrurgії in Hotel "Gagarinn"