The events in Odessa at 05 October 2019

Premiere! Polish blood

05 October 2019, 18:30
category: play
from 40 to 200 UAH
place: Comedy (street, 3)

A. Nedbal Polish blood operetta in 3 acts with 1 intermission Play L. Stein, translation: D. Giusto Premiere of the operetta classic "Polish blood" Oscar Sloppy on a libretto by Leo Stein took place on 25 October 1913 in the Carl-theater in Vienna. The operetta was a success in the first years of the appearance on the scene and has a great European reputation today is in the TOP 10 of the operettas of Europe. Count Boleslaw Baransky (Bollo) is a rather frivolous life and close to ruin. His friend, the landlord Yang Zarembo, would like to help him, but not willing to throw money to the wind. But to give the count his daughter Helena he would not mind: her daughter can not hurt the title, and that it will be able to tame her husband, Stavr, the father has no doubts. Helena, in turn, fascinated by the count. But Bollo refuses to marry, his wife must not be less noble than he, besides he is very passionate about the beautiful dancer Wanda. Then Helena with the help of count Bronislaw Popiel arranged in napavine County estate housekeeper named Marina. She wears peasant clothes and a firm hand to restore order: expels fellow freeloaders, stop the drinking spree, hosting. The outcome of this daring adventure, you will learn if you decide to enjoy wonderful music, dancing, singing, costumes and props, in short, if you view the operetta "the Polish blood".

The poster of the event — Premiere! Polish blood in Comedy