The events in Odessa at 29 October 2019

Alexander Babich. Genealogy Of Odessa. How many of us was which?

29 October 2019, 19:00
category: lecture
from 120 to 290 UAH
place: Co-working center "Terminal 42" (Rishelyevskaya street, 33)

The history of Odessa are diverse and complex. The number of Nations that inhabit it, changed every social cataclysm and historical revolution. Who inhabited Odessa, when and how increased or drastically decreased its population? What were the citizens and that, thanks to our ancestors, we "disentangle" so far? About the demographic portrait of Odessa, shimmering through the centuries, we'll talk on October 29 in the Terminal 42 to the lectures of the historian, ethnographer, filmmaker and public figure Alexander Babich, "the Genealogy of Odessa. How many of us was which?". On the author's lectures of Alexander we learn about the composition of the population of Odessa in different years and epochs, his national, religious and social composition, on the causes of migrations and disasters that have led to dramatic reductions in the number of citizens of Odessa. About the lecturer: Alexander Babich (Aleksander Babich) — a local historian, tour guide, writer, screenwriter. Has written several historical books and a few dozen telekanali documentaries. Among his screenwriting works projects "War", "Krajina. History of Ukrainian lands", "History of football", "history of the Russian state", "Battle for Moscow", "Liberators", "History of Ukraine", "Victory", etc. for the channels "1+1", "inter", "First", TVC. Created a local history project "Tude-Syudoy". Alexander conducts tours, lectures and prepares in his new school guides. Engaged in a search operation in the Odessa catacombs. Participated in the creation of several museums. Early ticket (up to 16.10 ) — 120 UAH. Standard ticket (17.10 - 28.10) — 200 UAH. The day of the event 29.10 — 290 UAH. Lectures of Alexander Babic is always amazing stories from our rich past, debunking myths and only real, documented facts that can impress more than anyone, even the most sophisticated fiction. See you at the Terminal 42!

The poster of the event — Alexander Babich. Genealogy Of Odessa. How many of us was which? in Co-working center "Terminal 42"