The events in Odessa at 07 October 2019

Learning Astrology

07 October 2019, 19:00
category: the courses
6000 UAH
place: Location (look in the description)

The School of Astrology Sirius is open to full-time training.The course "Astrology for beginners". Start date - 7 OCT AT 19.00.Duration - 2 months.Classes will be held 3 times a week on weekdays at 19.00. Only in this course 20 lessons of theory and practice.The first lesson you will be able to visit for FREE and take the decision about learning.  School address : Odessa, TRANS. on Vice-Admirala Zhukova, 14 conference-hall of Wall Street✔this Course is for anyone who wants to understand yourself and your horoscope, and for those who want to broaden their view of the world, find friends and like-minded people, get a charge of positive emotions, inspiration and new knowledge about yourself and the cosmos. You will find a unique author's 2-month intensive course in practical Astrology. ✔ Recommended: ✨ Everyone to discover his uniqueness and to realize the potential ✨ Aspiring astrologers ✨ Practitioners psychologists ✨ Wishing to establish his personal life and career ✨ Seeking harmonious relationships, and your life purpose On our course you will: • Will understand his Natal chart and get a basic Astro knowledge for understanding the horoscopes of other people. • Increase the level of your personal power and charisma, love and accept yourself, knowing your uniqueness, remove the blocks and clamps that prevent the disclosure of your identity. Get a new interesting profession, and additional skills for working with people and a unique astrological, psychological and philosophical knowledge and the ability to change your life. • Know yourself - your deepest needs, fears, dreams, desires, and true motivations of your soul is the source of your inspiration and fun in life. And will be able to help your family. The course program: 20 lessons You will acquire knowledge on the following topics: • The code of honor of the astrologer. The structure of the solar system. Work with the program – 1 lesson. • What is the horoscope. The characteristics of the planets of the SS 1 class. • Personal and social world. Disposition. Reception. Retrogradation – 1 activity. • Feature signs of the zodiac. Evolution of personality development – 1 session. • Planets in the signs of the zodiac – 2 classes. • Analysis of cosmogramma. The power of the planets. Psychological portrait of the person. The formula of the soul – 1 activity. • The value of the aspects in the horoscope. Configuration aspects – 2 classes. • Astrological houses. Power house – 2 classes. • Karmic astrology. Nodes of the moon. Lilith. The human – 1 class. • Moon and Venus, her role in the horoscope. Motivation and the needs of the individual, a source of inspiration and happiness. Bad habits and dependencies, methods of overcoming – 1 activity. • The cycles of the planets. Transits – 1 activity. • Basics of predictive astrology. The script of fate, challenges and life lessons in time. Progression. Directorate. Formula event – 2 classes. • Instituskaya astrology. Horoscope compatibility – 2 classes. • Workshop – 2 classes. The cost of training 5000 UAH. The course leads astrologer Natalia Indigo. ✨Registration required, space is limited.You know, people, where would you have been this place a single star.Your body nothing like the planets that rotate around their Central suns.Not from the earth you — earth, but child of the Infinite Cosmic Light.Look, the same people and know their chains, find out how osvojiti yourself from hard work.From the darkness you shall rise, one with Light, one with the stars Continually follow the way of wisdom.Only through this can you get.Always ahead of the man of his purpose, forward Curves the Whole of Infinity.You know, man, that all space is subject to the order.Only through order of a Single Whole with you.The order and the balance is the law of the Cosmos.Follow and become one with the all.Emerald scegliere Trismegistus (C) Details on the website:☎phone for a consultation and record: 0682115067 Viber/Telegram

The poster of the event — Learning Astrology in Location