The events in Odessa at 07 October 2019

Therapeutic group for co-dependent

07 October 2019, 18:30
category: seminar/training
400 UAH
place: Location (specified when registering)

Therapeutic group for co-dependent "SOZI * - the path to freedom."              (* SOZI-individual health care service)       The presence of a dependent person in the family indicates a disease of the entire family system in which the dependent acts as a symptom. Dependence is not understood as an individual pathology, but as a result of complementary interaction between family members. The nature of the relationship in a married family has a great influence on the formation and maintenance of a pathological attraction to alcohol, drugs or gambling.              Co-dependent is a person who lives for the sake of another person, ignoring his own needs, desires, goals and values. Such a pathological inclusion in the life of another, a complete preoccupation with the solution of his problems, the need to establish total control over him leads to a feeling of powerlessness to change something in a destructive relationship, the loss of self and the emergence of psychosomatic diseases. We adhere to an evolutionary view of the problem of dependence and co-dependence, believing that these diseases are not congenital, but acquired in the process of development and education and invite you to go from researching the causes of the disease to healing.              We invite people whose loved ones suffer from alcohol, drugs or any other addiction, as well as people suffering from emotional (love) dependence in a relationship.              This group is for you if:       - You feel that you are not living your life;       - You have dependent relatives in your family;- You grew up in a family with a dependent parent;       - You always fall in love with men (women) who have problems with alcohol or drugs;       - You are experiencing strong and heavy emotions in connection with the addiction of your loved one;       - You experience exhaustion and powerlessness in the struggle for the health of loved ones;       - You need to resolve specific problems in your life caused by the addiction of your loved one;       - For a long time you want to end the relationship, but after numerous attempts, come back, and everything starts anew.              We will be happy to help if you are tired of the powerlessness to solve the problems of others and want to get rid of overwhelming resentment, fear, anger and despair, and if you have a desire to discover strength and courage to start living “your life”, and not the life of another. Participation in the group will reveal the real roots of your problems, find access to your own resources, fill your life with new meanings, awareness and freedom.              Presenters: Olga Samara, Inna Agapchenko.              The format of the group is once a week, on Mondays, from 18.30 to 20.00. The cost of 400 UAH.       The first meeting will be held on October 23, 2019.               Preliminary registration by phone +380679805716.              The number of places in the group is limited.

The poster of the event — Therapeutic group for co-dependent in Location