The events in Odessa at 30 October 2019

Vertical Grand Tasting Cabernet Shabo

30 October 2019, 19:00
category: tasting
from 200 to 250 UAH
place: Location (look in the description)

We violated the idea of ​​conducting a vertical tasting in the city, as well as a boula and a yak did it to the participants.              At a vertical tasting, the participants will taste the same wine, wine and rock. In this way, you can take your breath away and think about it, as you can pour in an hour of winding wine into a dance for relish and aroma.       In addition, rikni roki give grapes riznoj yakostі, so you can visnachiti, but you can come to a better ripe. Well, vinorobi love to conduct experiments, that for blending wines in vintage rock we give ti chi inshi new sorts.       All right, I’m tasting the wines of a fresh, colorful rynnya - a cob to a top class, some dumb men and a whole sale       That is for you vertical tasting is guilty of the article in the evening nadii i surprise_v.              And tasting the wines of Cabernet (drier) wine in Ukrainian wine-making Shabo:              - Cabernet Family Reserve 2014       - Cabernet Vaja Grand Cru 2014       - Cabernet Grand Reserve 2013 and 2016       - Cabernet Reserve 2014 and 2017       - Cabernet 2018       - Cabernet Best Moments 2018       .       On July 30th at 7 p.m., you are checking for the most famous wines. A tasting will be in the cafe Larets, like being at the address: pl. Vіri Cold, 1/1              In addition, you are worth checking out our permanent somnel Anna Sarkisyan, the essence of the facts about the skin of wines and the distinction of tasting.              Registration for tasting TILK for this purpose note that 4 days prior to the cob, you will drop by the leaf and take out the sheet with the required participation.       Pospayte, kіlkіst mіsts obmezhna!              Vartіst participation for quietly, even if my mother’s shirt is our club - 200 hryvnia. For Inish - 250 hryvnias.

The poster of the event — Vertical Grand Tasting Cabernet Shabo in Location