The events in Odessa at 07 December 2019

Tea dialogues with the aroma of analytical psychology

07 December 2019, 11:00
category: seminar/training
place: Location (look in the description)

WE INVITE YOU TO AN OPEN MEETING "TEA CONVERSATIONS WITH THE AROMA ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY"! Saturday's meeting where you can ask a question and get an answer. How not to get lost in various psychological directions and know what utility can be drawn from different psychological pantries? What is the underlying psychology? Can the knowledge of what you can't touch, measure and weigh, to help deal with the conflicts in daily life, such a real, visible and tangible? Also we will be talking about imagination, play and sand. Some letters wrote us soul and in what language? We'll drink tea, ponder, and to wonder at the wisdom of our souls. WHEN? from 11.00 to 13.00 (1 once a month on Saturdays) WHAT WILL HAPPEN? We drink tea and reflect on the methods of analytical psychology (dreaming, amplification, sand therapy). Try them on taste. Also we will be talking about imagination, play and sand. Some letters wrote us soul and in what language? It will be warm, hearty and delicious! FOR WHOM? For everyone. WHO IS LEADING? Presenters: analytical psychologists with experience Mukhlynina Ludmila and Elena Lomakina. ADDRESS: Queen St, 92-A, of.319 Building of analytical psychology "Dialogue" ADMISSION IS FREE! Cookies for tea are welcome! Questions and registration by phone +380975509603 (Ludmila)

The poster of the event — Tea dialogues with the aroma of analytical psychology in Location