The events in Odessa at 30 October 2019

Thomas Mann: the burgher and the wizard

30 October 2019, 19:00
category: lecture
100 UAH
place: Co-working center "Impact Hub Odessa" (1A Grecheskaya street)

Thomas Mann – the last of the classic novelist of the 20th century. In twenty-five years he published the novel "Buddenbrooks," the history of the burgher family, this soulful and precocious writer Mature family Saga would bring him the Nobel prize. Then it will create the deepest sample literary psychologism in "Death in Venice", "the Tonio Kröger", "Mario and the magician", will adopt the intellectual genre of the novel in "the Magic mountain". And there will also be a novel about Goethe ("Lotte in Weimar"), a modern Faust ("Dr. Faustus") and modern Dorian Grey ("confessions of the adventurer Felix Krool"). The novel is a myth, "Joseph and his brothers", which will help to understand and make love old Testament stories about Abraham and Jacob, about Joseph and the Egyptian Pharaoh; in any case, the typist who transcribed the manuscript, said: "Now I know how really it was." In the work of Thomas Mann, struggling and coexisting common burgher mind and unbridled magic, and his wise irony gives the opportunity to see all the advantages and all the dangers of both. This and many other things – in a lecture from series of talks on literature with Professor of cultural studies, art history and philosophy of culture ONPU Olga Korolkova. Entrance: 100 UAH If you sign up, we will save a place for you: By the way, in order not to miss the event, the Living room, I advise you to subscribe to our telegram.-channel:

The poster of the event — Thomas Mann: the burgher and the wizard in Co-working center "Impact Hub Odessa"