The events in Odessa at 29 October 2019

Circles of time and human life: Arcana Tarot

29 October 2019, 19:30
category: seminar/training
place: Association depth psychology "Teuerung" (Bazarnaya str., 92b)

Live on depth psychology in the project "Archetypes of Fate" with Alexander Sagaidak.              Theme: "Circles of time and human life: Arcana Tarot."       October 29, 2019 >>> 19:30 (Kiev / Moscow)              Find out how and why Arcana symbols can tell everything about your fate.              In the practice of professional psychologists, ancient tarot cards have been used for over 30 years.              K.G. Jung concluded that the Major Arcana of the Tarot cards fully correspond to archetypes - the primary cells of the collective unconscious, and it reflects the objective psyche, the different levels of which are identical for people of a certain group, people and all of humanity.              The cognitive system of the Tarot is based on the position that there are no accidents in the world and all events and processes in the Universe are interconnected and regular.              Any event, any person, any manifestation of the outside world is a reflection of us and our consciousness -       (the law formulated by Hermes Trismegistus in his Emerald Tablets)              Tarot images allow us to give interpretations of both future developmental options and relevant deep psychological states and their driving forces.              -----------       Author and Presenter:              Alexander Sagaidak - candidate of psychological sciences, Jungian consultant, hypnologist, teacher of psychology, anthropology, sociology.              Practicing psychologist and psychotherapist, head of the Theurung Association of Deep Psychology. Psychological practice - more than 18 years.              WHAT'S NEW ABOUT THE TAROT? Arcana Tarot as archetypal life scenarios and time cycles;        What is the significance of the Tarot symbolism and how is it related to the psychological portrait of a person        What results and answers can be obtained using the Tarot.              Even if you are already familiar with tarology, at our meeting you will get a vision of the Tarot predictive system precisely from the point of view of deep psychology, you will learn about the main types of psychological and resource help that this tool can provide.              -------------       # Archetypes of Fate - a special group psychological space for self-knowledge, personal development, enhancement of psychological culture, mutual support and exchange of experience.              To keep abreast of our events -       join the community:              And more information on our website:       FB page and YouTube channel:       

The poster of the event — Circles of time and human life: Arcana Tarot in Association depth psychology "Teuerung"