The events in Odessa at 30 November 2019

Based on the Rudyard Kipling / Mowgli

30 November 2019, 12:00
category: for children
from 80 to 100 UAH
place: TUZ (Grecheskaya St., 48A)

PREMIERE The play based on "the jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling is, at first glance, it would seem, only a few episodes from the lives of the characters that have become popular in all continents of the boy Mowgli, the Panther Bagheera, the bear Shaft... Yet the most important thing here is that in a series of adventures and incidents, which is filled with stage events and which do not allow the viewer to break away from the exciting plot for a moment - good always wins over evil.

The poster of the event — Based on the Rudyard Kipling / Mowgli in TUZ