The events in Odessa at 01 December 2019

Workshop Chakra yoga

01 December 2019, 14:00
category: seminar/training
from 400 to 500 UAH
place: Yoga Studio "by Jogada" (Marshala Govorova, 18a)

✨Workshop Chakra yoga focused on deep dive into understanding the chakra system of man and conscious work with it. Our energy centers are actively working at all levels, regardless of whether we realize it or not. On the physical plane, their work reflects overall health, the function of internal organs and systems (endocrine. reproductive, digestive). The work of energy centers is directly connected with the thinking process, an active chakra gives us clarity of mind and prolong youth and health. On the subtle plane, through the activation of the chakras and soft to work with them we are filled with the necessary energies that run important processes in the subtle bodies, align the structure, create a powerful energy barrier from all negative influences. Finally, with proper circulation of energy in our chakras we are able to adjust our reality to make your life full and interesting, joyful and happy. The chakras affect all aspects of life, creative realization, for the ability to see the essence of things, to our material well-being, ability to succeed and our relationship with others and the world. Come make a breakthrough in your life if: ▫This you suffer a syndrome of increased fatigue and tired quickly during the day ▫This is your health often crashes, according to the principle “that it hurts there and there” ▫Now you have a lot of ideas, but you can not implement them ▫Good but you feel a deep insecurity you lack creativity ▫Now you have constant problems in the material sphere ▫Now you have no relations with the opposite sex ▫Good but you want to know more about yourself, delve into the subtle processes is to find the answers to your questions ✅What do you get? ▫I will get acquainted with the main energy centers, learn is responsible for what each of the 7 major chakras and how they affect your life. health. relationship. ▫This run is available to all the complex of asanas and pranayamas (breathing exercises), focused on deep work with each energy center. ▫I will get professional advice on performing each asana with self-practice. ▫I'll feel the effects of asanas and breathing exercises on your own body and its energy system. ▫I will receive recommendations on work with the energy centers outside the practice of asanas. ▫I will get the answers to the questions that remained unanswered for a long time, to increase in knowledge and skills for further self-development, get the tools to correct your own scenario of life. ▫I will become a member of meditation for activation of the 7 major energy centers. Leads: Alina Moiseeva - yoga teacher, Master energy practitioner, an regressao. Bring comfortable clothes for yoga, water, notebook, pen. and good mood :) The workshop is designed for any level of training and a wide range of listeners. Price: 400 UAH per day workshop - 500 UAH (subject to availability) The ticket holders Yokadoma 50% discount (registration required) The number of places is limited. Please register in advance. Registration by phone: 048 709 10 85 093 000 38 39 096 242 31 56

The poster of the event — Workshop Chakra yoga in Yoga Studio "by Jogada"