The events in Odessa at 09 November 2019

"Masterpieces of classical music in advertising" by Julia Yurchak

09 November 2019, 16:00
category: lecture
free donation
place: Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky (St. Trinity, 49/51)

Intellectuarium educational project invites you to a lecture "Masterpieces of classical music in advertising: what are the similarities between Beethoven and the big Mac?" We are accustomed to thinking of classical music and popular culture as the opposite phenomenon. But is it really? Today the melodies of classical works heard in commercials, clips of television programs and becoming more popular industry of pop music and popular culture in General. It is the process of "implantation" of classical music in massmedia daily we will discuss in this lecture. What brings in the advertising image of classical music? How does it affect potential buyers of the advertised goods? What works heard in the most famous commercials? About it and not only tell the lecturer-the musicologist Julia Yurchak. We are waiting for you on November 9 at the premises of the library named after N. Hrushevsky (49/51 Troitskaya street), beginning at 16.00. Conditions of participation – free donation Compulsory registration on the link:

The poster of the event — "Masterpieces of classical music in advertising" by Julia Yurchak in Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky