The events in Odessa at 10 November 2019

Craft siri vid sirovarnі Lіhtenfeld

10 November 2019, 12:00
category: tasting
250 UAH
place: Location (look in the description)

Neymovirna zustrіch us check with the weekly father-in-law Organizational farm "Likhtenfeld" - Alexander Dobrozhanskiy              Brutal siri Likhtenfeld - may be unique in the cutaneous iz 8 grades!       Decome know yogo "gentleman's nabir", ale !!!!!              Oleksandr us new cooking that smells and tastes good!              Ozhe, nedil, 10 leaf fall              two special guests degustation with Oleksandr at one table       about 12 that 15 year              Let us drink a miracle of miraculous wine from Bolgrad!       To a skin taster, a tasting set in a gift box, a tasting set!              Vartіst participation in the tasting - 250 UAH       Kіlkіst mіsts obmezhena!              For quiet, hto don’t be able to take fate:              with a long day, at the last hour of tasting, it’s more difficult to come with a tasting set of wine and tasting one day. Yakshko the mandrel beat Oleksanda - take pictures)))                     To the hustle and bustle:       metro Odessa, 16 Bunina, 16       tel, 0482-321032       abo 097-8183161

The poster of the event — Craft siri vid sirovarnі Lіhtenfeld in Location