The events in Odessa at 10 November 2019

"When contemporary art becomes reality" from Alexander Mikhed

10 November 2019, 15:00
category: lecture
place: Art Museum (Sophia, 5A)

This Sunday, 10 November, at 15:00 we invite you to Odessa art Museum for a lecture by writer and curator Alexander Mikhed, "When contemporary art becomes reality: from Warhol to "the Open group"". As part of the lecture, along with Alexander will discuss examples of rethinking contemporary artists phenomenon, real TV, reality shows and the streams. What tools artists use to approach the audience to (media)reality? How hidden camera becomes a tool for understanding everyday life? Which way we walked from the television show "candid camera," Alan Fanta to stream broadcasts from the Maidan? All of these questions you will find answers during the lecture.  Where: Odessa art Museum (vul. Sophia, 5A)  When: November 10, Sunday, at 15:00.  Admission is free for pre-registration:  Oleksandr Mykhed is a writer, curator of art projects. Art Director of the publishing house The author of six books. Lecturer educational projects KMBS, LitOsvita, Botan, Light. The curator of the literature program of the PinchukArtCentre (2010-2012), curator of the literature program of GOGOLFEST (2012-2013) and a dozen exhibition projects in Ukraine and abroad. *Project "Art in the vanguard of social change" is implemented in the framework of the Project "Strengthening public confidence" (UCBI II), funded by the U.S. Agency for international development (USAID).

The poster of the event — "When contemporary art becomes reality" from Alexander Mikhed in Art Museum