The events in Odessa at 12 November 2019

Secrets and tricks for growth in the design

12 November 2019, 19:00
category: seminar/training
place: Location (specified when registering)

As novice designers to successfully develop, improving their skills and knowledge in the design? Useful and informative webinar from an experienced teacher MobiosSchool for novice designers, who after the release of IT school at an impasse and don't know what to do and how to develop further. In this webinar we will discuss: analyze in detail the errors novice designers;  useful skills when working with tools; consider the services that accelerate and simplify the work; what you need to know and be able to become a professional in the design. Sign up now and get the link ✍ that would not miss

The poster of the event — Secrets and tricks for growth in the design in Location