The events in Odessa at 03 December 2019

Therapeutic group Reflection

03 December 2019, 18:30
category: seminar/training
250 UAH
place: Location (look in the description)

After completing rehab, You're back in the real world and how to survive in it and don't know? You feel stress and feel the pressure from people around you (family, friends or just passers-by! To counter this you have neither the strength nor the desire... You don't know how to act sober in this world, and you're often visited by thoughts of returning to "past life", where everything is clear and familiar. But some part of you resists and wants a new life. If YOU recognise yourself in this, Our group is for You ! Bonuses visit our group for You: +learn to listen to yourself; +gain confidence in the recovery; +acquire skills of self-care; +learn to prioritize; +BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! The work in the group takes place weekly: All classes are held in groups of 10 - 12 people. Team members share their achievements and experience. Cost 250 UAH. Preliminary record by phone 050 255 90 27 Group are: Smalahove Vladimir, a family therapist, psychologist addictology, the founder of the Family Cent of Family Therapy "Triniti" more than 25 years in the field of addiction Bisco Irina, psychologist addictology, psychodramatist, psychotherapist in method "Sandplay", experience in the field of addiction for 10 years trinitidom.compin Where? Triniti educational platform, dal'nitskaya str., 46

The poster of the event — Therapeutic group Reflection in Location