The events in Odessa at 01 December 2019

“Who's crazy: We or Climate?” Open workshop

01 December 2019, 11:00
category: seminar/training
place: Location (look in the description)

 Why is our planet “sick”?        What do large-scale natural disasters lead to?        Is humanity able to survive global climate disasters?       ТоWho are we on this planet? Involuntary hostages of circumstances or intelligent creators that can influence future events?              We offer to get acquainted with a fundamentally new concept of world order, which reveals knowledge about the possibilities of an intelligent person to control the climate and the entire natural system on the planet.              Address: # Odessa, st. Glad, 2/4, 7th floor, assembly hall              Seminar starts on December 01, 2019 at 11:00.              ☎️Help on phone: 066-283-57-79, 063-820-19-35              FREE ADMISSION               Information about the event on the official website of the People's Academic University of the Evolution of Mind (NAU ERA):

The poster of the event — “Who's crazy: We or Climate?” Open workshop in Location