The events in Odessa at 01 December 2019

BLACK & WHITE "Poets and prose writers of Odessa" / photo exhibition Stepan Alcana

01 December 2019, 10:00
category: exhibition
place: Literary Museum (Lanzheronovskaya str., 2)

20 Nov at 17:00 in the Great hall gallery of the Odessa literature Museum will take place opening of the photo exhibition Speana of Elekana ( BLACK & WHITE ) Poeti, along AND PROSE writers of ODESSA. "Southern capital is rich in outstanding people of art. Of course, as a photographer, I wanted to reflect them, and to preserve the history gallery of portraits of these figures. So in 2009, carried out the first project "People of art" in the Greek Fund of culture, and then "Artists of Odessa" in the Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental art. The current exhibition is devoted to the poets and writers of Odessa." Stepan Alekyan Stepan Alekyan Arsen'evich – member of the National Union of photographers of Ukraine and the Odessa photographic Association and a member of the National Union of journalists of Ukraine, was born in Tbilisi. After high school he worked as a printer in a printing house, were engaged in sports and sports journalism. In 1968 he enrolled in the Odessa seaworthy school, and in 1969 went to my first sagreras. The sea gripped him in its immense space of forty years: sixteen years as a sailor on the cargo ships, about five years photographer on passenger ships "Feodor Chaliapin", "Dmitry Shostakovich", etc., for the last twenty years the boatswain. Since 1968, began studying photography. Seen the far country, communicating with people of different nationalities have shaped him as a person, willing to show creativity in fine art photography. In the 1970 – 1990s, he collaborated with the newspaper "Mayak", "Evening Odessa", the magazine "the Navy", etc. Pictures of Stepan Alcana in these years are published not only in Odessa the press , but also in Moscow ( the magazine "Ogonek", the newspaper "Pravda"). Stepan Alekyan is a participant of many Republican and international competitions. He is the winner of the magazines "Novoye Vremya" (1973), "Light" (1977). 1981 – 1983 trained at the Moscow correspondence University photos. In 1989 he entered in the "photo center" Union of journalists of the USSR. In 1991 he graduated from the correspondence Department of photojournalism at the "photo center". The photographer has held 12 solo exhibitions in Odessa. Has presented his work at international salons and biennials. In 1998 and 2004 participated and entered into the catalogue of journalistic forum "WORLD PRESS PHOTO", Amsterdam. In 2017 in the category "Photography" the winner of competition "the Diamond Duke" for creating a portrait gallery of artists, Odessa, Ukraine. 2018 – laureate of the "Cultural capital", Odessa, Ukraine.

The poster of the event — BLACK & WHITE "Poets and prose writers of Odessa" / photo exhibition Stepan Alcana in Literary Museum