The events in Odessa at 07 December 2019

The doctor in litigation — analysis of the practice of the Supreme court

07 December 2019, 11:00
category: seminar/training
place: Medical Hub Odrex (st. Raskidailovskaya, 69/71)

December 7 in the Medical Hub Odrex will organize training: "the Doctor in litigation — analysis of the practice of the Supreme court in "medical" cases". The training will be a lawyer, a member of the Committee on medical and pharmaceutical law National bar Association of Ukraine — Oleg Yudin. Pre-registration at the link: The main issues to be discussed at the training: 1. Why is a private clinic collected 450 thousand UAH: • what are the duties of a doctor in the postoperative period; • the reference to "violation of the recommendations of the doctor" has not worked – understand details; • liability for breach of contract for the provision of services and liability for bodily injury and study the differences; • what actions of the doctor, the court finds wrongful; • local protocols apply cannot be prohibited. 2. What practical conclusions every doctor need to do after the state hospital has collected 500 thousand UAH. • Alternative methods of diagnosis and treatment – it's calculated and how to apply in practice. • Negligence of the patient – how to fix to avoid problems. • A diagnosis without testing – but what if the fault was not the lab? 3. The answers to the questions Waiting for you to Medical Hub Odrex December 7, beginning at 11:00. Participation in the event is free. Pre-registration at the link:

The poster of the event — The doctor in litigation — analysis of the practice of the Supreme court in Medical Hub Odrex