The events in Odessa at 23 November 2019


23 November 2019, 22:00
category: party
place: Ministerium Dogma Club (Gogol str,12)

The most charismatic and discussed Ukrainian artist Kyivstoner is coming to you. We will spend the evening under the most famous tracks of a person who knows how to do hype.              Of course, there will be "Summer", "Deer", "Meow Meow", "Hippo". But they promise us a lot of new things.              He is only 27, and he has already conquered the millionth army of fans around the world.              One of the first to start shooting small videos and opened his own YouTube channel, where he posted videos in the “vine” style, where he himself played all the roles.              Just imagine, he has 1.3 million followers on Instagram.              And 184 thousand subscribers on Youtube.              He has already released three independent music albums: Hypagolic, Hypagolic 2 and Banger. His videos collect millions on Youtube, and shows with his participation collect more than 50 million views of the Youtube show.              Why talk a lot. This guy needs to be seen and heard.

The poster of the event — Kyivstoner in Ministerium Dogma Club