The events in Odessa at 06 December 2019

We walk "Old janitors sweeping the courtyards"

06 December 2019, 13:00
category: tour
from 50 to 150 UAH
place: Location (specified when registering)

Many people visit our city with a desire to look at the real Odessa. The one with which she was portrayed in films, old and not very. The one that breathed freedom in the 19th century. And the one about which hundreds of songs are sung and millions of stories are told.              On this tour, we are going to get acquainted with just such a real Odessa!              The people who came here differed in origin, religion, and prosperity ... Our courtyards are just as different: Italian and French, front and utility rooms, wells and drafts ... Believe us! It's worth a look! After all, every yard is the story of an individual and the city as a whole.               REGISTRATION MANDATORY FOR REFERENCE:              ⏰ Duration: 2.5 hours        Type: pedestrian        Cost: 150 UAH. adult, 50 UAH. children’s

The poster of the event — We walk "Old janitors sweeping the courtyards" in Location