The events in Odessa at 07 December 2019

Time Machine / 50 years tour

07 December 2019, 19:00
category: concert
from 800 to 1500 UAH
place: Comedy (street, 3)

TOUR "50 YEARS" TIME MACHINE "" - IN ODESSA!               It seems to us that they have always been. We just remember them as much as we remember ourselves. That is why sometimes we take them for granted.       But in fact this is a miracle.       Do you know a lot of bands that have existed for fifty years? People do not always live that much ...       And this is an honest "fifty dollars". That is not the case when the musicians flashed for several years in the seventies and then for many years did not want to know each other, but gathered on the anniversary to cut it easy - no, all these fifty years passed in constant concerts and recordings. Without breaks and gatherings.       And this is a creative "fifty dollars". That is not the case when, when they see the name on the poster, people ask again "what, are they still alive?" Once having come to the fore, the group didn’t leave him anywhere, in 2014 there was no less talk about them than in 1974 and 1984. In their constant concert program, songs from 1976 are adjacent to songs from 2016 - and the audience sings both of them . And at times the set list gets into even more ancient times - and there its hits are also found there.And this is really a group - not a leader plus extras. The whole three - Andrei Makarevich, Alexander Kutikov, Valery Efremov - have not been separated for forty years (the second one generally came in 1971, but left and returned several times before 1979). Together with them today Igor Khomich (guitar), Alexander Levochkin (keyboards, backing vocals) and Alexander Ditkovsky (trumpet, tambourine, backing vocals) take the stage. But most of the former participants are not random figures who flickered in the history of the collective for a year or two, but full-fledged co-authors of the legend, bright personalities who came to the team seriously and for a long time and left a tremendous mark.       Yes, this is a bit like a soap opera - but it cannot be built around one character, it always has several converging and diverging storylines.       This is the "Time Machine".       And now a new chapter begins in her story.       The whole anniversary year takes place on a tour, the most ambitious in the history of the group. I recall the eighties when the team gave two hundred concerts a year. Or the end of the nineties with a round-the-world tour in honor of the thirtieth anniversary ... Now something more grandiose is planned. With concerts not only in Europe - but with performances on five (or even more!) Continents. And now it’s clear that the trip will stretch until the end of 2020.And, of course, Ukraine occupies a special place on the tour. "Machine" first came here in the early 80s - and since then, it seems, there has not been a year when musicians did not perform here all together or with solo projects. The energy of the Ukrainian public, her love and emotional generosity - this is what I want to come again and again for! And in 2019 the group will again find how to surprise and please you.       The Ukrainian wing of the anniversary tour “Time Machines” includes 5 concerts.              Songs of all time will be heard from the stage - from the beginning of the 70s to the end of the 2010s.       And those that are written in our DNA.       And those that the musicians have not written yet, but we have not heard.       See you

The poster of the event — Time Machine / 50 years tour in Comedy