The events in Odessa at 07 December 2019

Enslavement of love

07 December 2019, 19:00
category: play
from 100 to 450 UAH
place: Ukrainian theater (street Pasteur, 15)

16+       ABOUT EVENT       The performance “Enslavement of Love” was created based on the best-selling novel “Living Life” by Anna Boginskaya, the famous writer and author of the best-selling book “Sin of Forgiveness”.                 Boginskaya is not just a fashionable writer, she is an analytical writer, radio host, and business analyst who has devoted her novels to freedom from manipulation. Today, her novels are read in 52 countries by hundreds of thousands of readers. Her books became so popular, discussed and in demand that there was a need to embody the plot twists and turns on the theatrical stage. This is real success and recognition!                 The 21st century - the century of open information and public knowledge - has turned manipulation into everyday reality. Manipulation is a hidden “psychological” device, the purpose of which is to obtain the victim’s resource without giving anything in return. And the use of manipulation in relation to oneself must be treated as a robbery.                 Love or addiction? Relations or slavery? Change yourself or change yourself?                 You think: “You won’t deceive me!” - but what if he looks into your eyes now? Love or Manipulation? The Perfect Man or Professional Manipulator? Happy Woman or Obedient Doll in the hands of the Player?                 Boginskaya changed the idea of ​​the concept of "female romance." Who knows, maybe after this performance, you will change your perception of the concept of “game”: in life and on stage, in a novel / performance and in reality.“Living Life” is a training manipulation novel combining an exciting story and knowledge. The performance “Enslavement of Love” is a story that will change your life forever!

The poster of the event — Enslavement of love in Ukrainian theater