The events in Odessa at 24 December 2019

Art-Psy_Club / Mental DECEMBER⛄☃ / He and She" - the Pink Flamingo

24 December 2019, 18:00
category: master class
from 430 to 700 UAH
place: Location (specified when registering)

殺❄❄❄☃⛄Peace DECEMBER⛄☃❄❄❄殺 ❤☃❄❄❄Announcement of Master classes. ❄❄❄☃❤ Soon, soon New year and Christmas.❄☃❤ It's time to think about gifts. A gift certificate for a master class in painting, it is a great gift, as it gives emotions and impressions that last a lifetime. 殺 24.12 - "He and She" - the Pink Flamingo – a symbol of hope, beautiful dreams, dreams. Pink is associated with tenderness, dreaminess and love. The symbolism of rose colors is transmitted to the Flamingo. However, the name Flamingo comes from the Latin word "flamma", which means "flame". And thus, the symbolism of the Flamingo includes fire aspect and echoes the symbolism of the bird Phoenix, which burns in the fire and reborn from the ashes. Here the Flamingo has become a symbol of resistance and revival, as indicated by the fact that flocks of flamingos can survive in very harsh environment. Light the flame of love together. 27.12 - "Winter in Paris" - together, in a deserted alley, dream and enjoy Paris, which is beautiful in all seasons. A romantic trip, a date at the Eiffel tower, such moments are remembered for a lifetime. If you want to go to Paris and spend a romantic vacation, this motif is for you. And also write to attract couples and relationships, and write in pairs, for cooperative planning for the future. Beginning at 18:00 Tuesday and Saturday. Entry is open and binding. The cost of participation is UAH 430. (all materials included) Mother+child (1 picture of two children from 7-8 years, the cost of 500 UAH.) on different canvases - 700 Couple: husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend (1 painting for two cost UAH 600). Individual lesson – 700 UAH. :) :) :) Give gift certificates come in pairs, and with children, we love the whole family.殺拾 phone 063-045-76-67 or drugs on!!! ☝This if you want to be aware of all the news, write this number 063-045-76-67 (viber) * we Want to group. And we will add you.朗

The poster of the event — Art-Psy_Club / Mental DECEMBER⛄☃ / He and She" - the Pink Flamingo in Location