The events in Odessa at 06 December 2019

Two carls. Family album

06 December 2019, 19:30
category: exhibition
place: Location (look in the description)

Friends, on December 6th, at 19:30 in the Two Karla bodega (32 Grecheskaya St.), the opening of the Family Album exhibition will take place. The idea of ​​holding it arose in connection with the disturbing news about not extending the lease and closing the cult institution in one of the oldest buildings in Odessa.              The exhibition will feature photographs and materials from different periods of the bodega's existence - from archival plans and memories from the time the building was built to the present day. We will see that the basement at the crossroads of Greek and Catherine streets throughout its history attracted residents and visitors from all over the world. He fed his guests delicious food, watered and warmed with local wine. And in recent years, it has become an important mental point on the cultural map of the city and country. In “Two Karlahs” everything was good for everyone - both the star director, the guest of the film festival, and the bohemian artist with the last hundred on placinde and wine. It is with these memories that we will try to saturate 2K on Friday, the sixth of December.              To realize our plan, we urgently need your help - it is your work that will be presented at the exhibition!              We appeal to everyone who gently keeps memories of noisy and drunken Bessarabian evenings on smartphones, removable drives and even in the clouds!       Friends, hurry to send your favorite 2K photos to this mail:                   Of these, we will make up the exposition and slide show for the exhibition.If you suddenly have archival materials from the past bodega or if you want to describe your impressions in texts, we are also waiting for them in the mail.              Photos will end on December 1st, so take care of it now.              So save the date. The first Friday of December smells like placids, wine and nostalgia.

The poster of the event — Two carls. Family album in Location