The events in Odessa at 07 December 2019

Club family games / family secrety

07 December 2019, 16:00
category: seminar/training
100 UAH
place: Psychological center #neverland (Armeyskaya str, 10)

里 on Saturdays invite to the "club family game", where you can play as a family or a couple (parent-Child 7+ years), it will help to establish parent-child relationships, and just interesting and useful to spend time. Recommend  ✅7.12 play "family secrety". The author of the famous Children's Psychotherapist of horn. This game is a reason to share svoimi Secretary` with each other, attentive to his own and others feelings, character traits, needs and desires. This is especially important for parent-child relationship. During the game the participants begin to realize their feelings and careful to treat them that is rarely possible in everyday life. Because of the age of the child is difficult to see the causes and the consequences of actions, so by playing, he learns to comprehend their behavior, the behavior of other people and compare them to accepted norms.  the cost of 100 UAH. person Odessa, Army, 10, the course of studies. center #neverland 栗♀app  recording tel/Viber 0677820040

The poster of the event — Club family games / family secrety in Psychological center #neverland